options: AdbClientOptionsPrivate
awaitRetrieves current battery status.
Analogous to adb -s <serial> shell dumpsys battery
Connects to device over local network.
adb.map(async (device) => {
await device.tcpip();
const [ip] = await device.getIpAddress();
await adb.connect(ip);
connectionCopies data with srcPath
to destPath
Analogous to adb shell cp <src> <dest>
Enables to execute any custom command.
...args: Pclass MyCommand extends Command<number> {
protected autoEnd = true;
private arg: string;
constructor(connection: Connection, arg: string) {
this.arg = arg;
async execute(): Promise<number> {
const reply = await this.initExecute(this.arg);
switch (reply) {
case Reply.OKAY:
const value = await this.parser.readValue();
return parseInt(value.toString(), 10);
case Reply.FAIL:
throw await this.parser.readError();
return parseInt(reply, 10);
Enables to execute any custom transport command.
...args: Pclass MyCommand extends TransportCommand<null> {
protected keepAlive = false;
private arg: string;
constructor(connection: Connection, serial: string, arg: string) {
super(connection, serial);
this.arg = arg;
protected get Cmd() {
return 'test '.concat(this.arg);
protected postExecute(): null {
return null;
deleteSends draganddrop input command to the device shell.
Analogous to adb shell input touchscreen draganddrop x1 y1 x2 y2
Default input source is touchscreen
Horizontal starting coordinate.
Vertical starting coordinate.
Horizontal ending coordinate.
Vertical ending coordinate.
execForwards socket connections from the ADB server host (local) to the device (remote).
Analogous to adb forward <local> <remote>
adb.forward('serial', 'tcp:9222', 'localabstract:chrome_devtools_remote')
Gets property from the device.
Analogues to adb shell getprop <prop>
Gets setting from the device.
Analogues to adb shell settings get <mode> <name>
Installs an apk to the device.
Analogous to adb install <pkg>
Extra arguments. E.g. --fastdeploy
ipSends keyevent input command to the device shell.
Analogous to adb shell input keyboard keyevent <code>
Default input source is keyboard
Key code to send.
Lists features of the device.
Analogous to adb shell pm list features
Lists all forwarded connections.
Analogous to adb forward --list
Lists properties of the device.
Analogous to adb shell getprop
Lists all reversed connections.
Analogous to adb reverse --list
Lists settings of the device.
Analogues to adb shell settings list <mode>
Creates directory specified by path
Analogous to adb shell mkdir <path>
Moves data with srcPath
to destPath
Analogous to adb shell mv <src> <dest>
Opens logcat.
Analogous to adb logcat
and LogcatOptions
for more details.
import { Client, Priority } from 'adb-ts';
const adb = new Client();
const logcat = await adb.openLogcat('serial', {
filter: (entry) => entry.priority > Priority.INFO
logcat.on('entry', (entry) => {
Opens a direct TCP connection to specified port on the device.
Analogous to adb tcp <port>:<host>
const socket = await adb.openTcp('serial', 5555);
// socket.write(...)
Sends roll input command to the device shell.
Analogous to adb shell input trackball press
Default input source is trackball
Gets a PullTransfer instance.
let data = '';
const transfer = await adb.pull('serial', '/path')
transfer.on('data', (chunk) => {
data += chunk.toString();
transfer.on('end', () => {
Wraps pull method, reads the file content and resolves with the output.
Wraps pull method, reads the content of file on the device and write it to a file on the machine.
Gets a PushTransfer instance.
const transfer = await adb.push('serial', '/path-src', '/path-dest')
transfer.on('end', () => { });
Wraps push method, provides API for quick data writing.
Wraps push method, reads the content of file on the host to a file on the device.
pushPuts setting on the device.
Analogues to adb shell settings put <mode> <name> <value>
Reverses socket connections from the device (remote) to the ADB server host (local).
Analogous to adb reverse <remote> <local>
adb.reverse('serial', 'localabstract:chrome_devtools_remote', 'tcp:9222')
Removes file/folder specified by path
Analogous to adb shell rm <path>
Sends roll input command to the device shell.
Analogous to adb shell input trackball roll <x> <y>
Default input source is trackball
Horizontal coordinate.
Vertical coordinate.
Sets property on the device.
Analogues to adb shell setprop <prop> <value>
Starts a new activity with options.
Analogous to adb shell am start <pkg./activity>
Starts a new service with options.
Analogous to adb shell am startservice <pkg> <service>
Sends swipe input command to the device shell.
Analogous to adb shell input touchscreen swipe x1 y1 x2 y2
Default input source is touchscreen
Horizontal starting coordinate.
Vertical starting coordinate.
Horizontal ending coordinate.
Vertical ending coordinate.
syncSends tap input command to the device shell.
Analogous to adb shell input touchscreen tap <x> <y>
Default input source is touchscreen
Horizontal coordinate.
Vertical coordinate.
Sends text input command to the device shell.
Analogous to adb shell input touchscreen text '<text>'
Default input source is touchscreen
Updates access and modification times of file specified by path
parameter, or creates a new file.
Analogous to adb shell touch <filename>
Uninstalls a package from the device.
Analogous to adb uninstall
Waits until the device is in the given state.
Analogous to adb wait-for-<transport>-<state>
see AdbClientOptions for more details