

Start by importing Client.

import { Client } from 'adb-ts';
const adb = new Client();
const statuses = await => {
return device.batteryStatus();

In order to start adb server automatically adb must be globally accessible or path to adb binary must be specified.

import { Client } from 'adb-ts';
const adb = new Client({ bin: '/path/to/adb' });
// ...


For operations on all connected device map method can be used. In the callback an instance of Device comes as input parameter.

const packages = await Promise.all( (device) => {
await device.uninstall('');
await device.install('/path/to/app.apk', { test: true });
return device.listPackages();

Part of this module is also a Logcat client...

const logcat = await adb.openLogcat('serial', {
filter: (entry) => entry.message.includes('test')
logcat.on('entry', (entry) => {
// logcat.end();

and Monkey client.

const monkey = await adb.openMonkey('serial');

monkey.getBuildBoard((err, value) => {
console.log('getBuildBoard', err, value);
// monkey.end();

In addition to map method, there is tracking function via Tracker.

const tracker = await adb.trackDevices();
tracker.on('add', (device) => {
console.log('add', device);
tracker.on('remove', (device) => {
console.log('remove', device);
tracker.on('change', (device) => {
console.log('change', device);
// tracker.end();

Every Client method has an overload with callback parameter.

const devices = await adb.listDevices();

adb.listDevices((devices) => {

Changes from V5

  • time option in touch method is converted to UTC time.
  • Tracker change event emits the same instance of the device instead of creating a new device object every time.
  • install and uninstall commands will fail if any other response than Success is received. Until V5 the promise could have resolved even when the operation was not successful.

Change log


exec methods accept string[] as an argument. Fix for


PropertyMap values do not contain Date type. This is because parsing date is tricky listFeatures types are determined from getprop -T command. Types returned from this method are number | boolean | string.